Editor Awards

The Pearson Post
Local Lodge 2413, Toronto, Ontario
Editor: Ron Cowl

The Local Lodge 2413 Pearson Post is an almost brand-new publication. This six-pager combines brief articles, a generous amount of graphics, and plenty of white space to make for a quick and interesting read. Lots of potential here.

L’ Echo Machiniste
Local Lodge 922, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Editor:  Steve Bédard

This eight-page newsletter from Local Lodge 922 is a straightforward, information-rich publication. Using full-color graphics and sharp layouts, L’ Echo Machiniste takes a professional approach to local lodge communications.

712 Union Journal
Local Lodge 712, St. Laurent, Quebec
Editor: Gilles Samson

Using graphics and a design sense usually confined to web pages, the  Local Lodge 712 Union Journal is intent on teaching an old horse some new tricks. This is an informative, attractive, and professional-looking publication which is guaranteed to be read and appreciated by the membership.

On Track
Local Lodge 104, 
Milton, West Virginia
Editor: Ron Fink

Chock full of valuable information for its railroad membership, On Track from Local Lodge 104 uses a spare design and complementary spot color to highlight the message provided. This six-pager is a no-nonsense read for a busy readers.

The Knothole
Local Lodge W130, 
Centralia, Washington
Editor: Bob Wilson

The essential purpose of the local lodge newsletter is to provide information and Local Lodge W130 has distilled that notion to its basic form in its publication, the Knothole. This doubled-sided one-pager is a no-frills production that even acts as its own mailer.

Local Lodge 774 Newsletter
Local Lodge 774, Wichita, Kansas
Editors: Paul Baker, Tom Turner

From its magazine-style covers and professional-looking graphics to the thoughtful articles and lively opinions, it’s obvious that Local Lodge 774 puts a lot of work into its publication, Local Lodge 774 Newsletter. We’ll be seeing a lot more of this publication in future newsletter contests. 
