Website Best Feature/Local Lodges

Third Place
Local Lodge 2385, Fayettville, Tennessee
Websteward: Mike Hillis

Nice display of general membership pictures at work.

Second Place
Local Lodge 733, Wichita, Kansas
Websteward: Jeff Kniep, Joe Kniep

Clever graphics (metallic look). Practical lists and included a section ("Say What") featuring the local's newsletter editorial and opinion page, well-written and on point.

First Place
Local Lodge 1322, Massapequa, New York
Websteward: Anthony J. Rerecich

Lots of photos dramatically used. Simple, yet effective organization and design. Cram packed with local information.

Website Best Feature/Districts
Honorable Mention
District 250, Burnaby, British Columbia
Websteward: Stan Pickthall

Clean, timely and professional. Informative without crowding.

Third Place
District 142, Kansas City, Missouri
Websteward: Edward M. Manhart

Extensive archives of information.

Second Place
District 70, Wichita, Kansas
Websteward: Garland Moore

Devotes space to retirees and women's programs in addition to thorough coverage of local issues.

First Place
District 141, Des Plaines, Illinois
Websteward: Al Abromitis

Well displayed information on insurance and other member benefit programs.
