The IAM Executive Council
The nine members of the IAM's Executive Council  direct IAM affairs between conventions. The council is elected every four years by secret ballot.

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The IAM Executive Council
R. Thomas Buffenbarger International President

Warren Mart General Secretary-Treasurer

Lee Pearson
GVP Western Territory

Dave Ritchie
GVP Canada

Robert V. Thayer
GVP Headquarters

Robert Roach, Jr. GVP Transportation

Lynn Tucker  GVP Eastern Territory

Robert Martinez GVP Southern Territory

James E. Brown GVP Midwest Territory


Dave Ritchie
General Vice President―Canada
Dave Ritchie joined IAM Local Lodge 1755, Toronto, in 1973 after being hired as an electric meter repairman at Sangamo Electric. Chief Steward; Shop Committee Chairperson; Vice President and Negotiating Committee Chair; Vice President of the Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists and was a founding member of the Canadian Machinists Council. Business Representative District 78, Toronto,1978; Directing Business Representative of District 78, 1986; IAM Vice President, 1995.Born April 2, 1951, Ritchie is a member of IAM Local Lodge 235, Toronto.