iMail Thursday, October 28, 2004
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At each stop in Maine and New Hampshire, union members get to spin the “Wheel of Misfortune,” representing the chance that their jobs will be shipped overseas or stay in the U.S.

IAM Local Lodge 362 President John Lee addresses the crowd in Millinocket.

Millinocket area PACE member Bruce Cox looks on as the wheel spins between jobs staying in New Hampshire and Russia.

Laid off union after 28 years at a Millinocket paper mill, former OPEIU member Diane Gagnon takes a spin.

IP Tom Buffenbarger (in brown coat)helps to handbill plant gate at the Bath Iron Works.

IAM members stream into work past the IAM's "Jobs" tour truck at Bath Iron Works.

Maine's Millinocket Mill.

The East Millinocket Mill.

IP Buffenbarger, Rep. Mike Michaud and a hearty band of union members greeted workers at the front gate of International Paper Co. in Bucksport, Maine.

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The "Why Take a Chance on Your Job" tour made its way through Maine and New Hampshire during the closing days of the 2004 Presidential campaign. The following photos highlight the sights and scenes experienced during the tour.


