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At Washington”s National Airport, IAM General Vice
President Robert Roach, Jr. spoke to passengers and
members of the media about the important role IAM members
have in rebuilding the nation”s air and rail transportation networks.

Transportation Day Of Action

Thousands of IAM rail and airline members delivered a message of confidence in the U.S. transportation system with nationwide rallies to urge passengers back onto the trains and into the skies.

The IAM”s first annual Transportation “Day of Action” featured events at passenger terminals from Boston to Hawaii.

Union members greeted travelers and thanked them for their business. “These passengers have a right to feel safe and secure when they board an airplane or a train. We want them to know they”re in good hands when they travel with us,” said Robert Roach, Jr., IAM general vice president of Transportation.

At a rally in Seattle, International President Tom Buffenbarger told IAM members from Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, Boeing and Alaska Airlines that we face companies willing to take advantage of the disaster.

“We will not allow any company to use a national emergency as an excuse to  cut jobs, wages or pensions.

“We built this industry and we can rebuild it ― not as some low wage cash cow for greedy corporations, but as an industry that workers, travelers and communities can depend on for safe, reliable transportation,” said Buffenbarger.

Keith L. Simms is one of 30,000 IAM members looking forward to new contracts at Alaska, Southwest and Northwest Airlines.

Airline Talks On Tap

More than 30,000 IAM members at three major U.S. carriers will soon face their employers across the bargaining table.

Ticket agents, reservations employees and ramp workers at Alaska, Southwest and Northwest Airlines will follow the work of their negotiating committees in shop bulletins, on union websites and increasingly, on the evening news. 

“Airline negotiations traditionally build on agreements most recently achieved elsewhere in the air transport industry,” said Robert Roach, Jr., IAM General Vice President of Transportation.

“Our ability to surpass those agreements is a direct reflection of members” determination, solidarity and support for their negotiating committees.”